Everyone can change the world – Antti Reenpää

Women’s Bank has 3,000 volunteers all around Finland. In the Everyone can change the world -article series three of them explain what motivates them in volunteer work.

Antti Reenpää, age 60, Helsinki 

“I followed the early years of Women’s Bank closely as my wife (Leena Majander) is one of the founding members. It was easy for me to join when asked.

I am a member of the Women’s Bank steering group.  My first contact with Women’s Bank’s work was on a trip to project sites in Sierra Leone and Liberia where I acted as a photographer producing material for Women’s Bank.

Women’s Bank’s approach to supporting people is sensible and effective. Funds donated to Women’s Bank end up in the projects with great efficiency and impact.

The purpose of the work and the results are of course the most important reasons for me to recommend volunteering for Women’s Bank, but being a volunteer also allows you to meet and work with wonderful experts of various backgrounds and learn from them.”

Volunteer with us: Find a group near you!

Continue reading the Everyone can change the world -series here.

Text: Satu Salmeli-Tikkala