About us

Nainen hymyilee ja katsoo kameraan.



Women's Bank supports women's sustainable entrepreneurship and livelihoods in Africa and Asia.

What is Women’s Bank?

We are a network of monthly donors and shareholders, active volunteers, and business partners, all committed to a more just and sustainable world. Finn Church Aid, the largest organization for international aid in Finland, manages the Women’s Bank funds as well as executes all projects.

The core of Women’s Bank’s work

Our Dream

More and more women have been able to lift themselves up from poverty, more and more families have secure access to food, there are more and more happy communities, and people from around the world have united to achieve this dream.

Our Mission

Women’s Bank supports women’s livelihoods in Africa, Asia and the Middle East according to the principles of sustainable development.

Our Values

Resourcefulness and resilience are needed in the times of hardship, joy encourages us to keep going, mutual respect and cohesion help us to move forward, action turns hope into reality, transparency creates trust.

Women’s Bank supports women’s livelihoods and entrepreneurship

In all its operations, we focus on supporting women’s entrepreneurship and providing opportunities for sustained livelihoods.

We create opportunities for women to earn a living and start a business in African and Asian countries. We offer vocational training and versatile support for entrepreneurship as well as provide information about women’s rights and opportunities to make a difference.

As a result of our work, women’s financial position has improved and their decision-making power in families and communities has increased. 

Women’s Bank work is reliable and transparent

All Women’s Bank projects are closely monitored and we strive for active communication about their results. There are regular reports on the project outcomes and they are free to read in the Women’s Bank material bank. Annual reports can be found here. Our projects and local partners are carefully selected. In the initial phase of projects we make sure that donations are used towards the project and create the desired change.

Women’s Bank financial reports are published every month, and they are openly accessible for anyone here.

Women’s Bank is politically and religiously non-aligned

Women’s Bank is a part of Finn Church Aid, the largest organization for international aid in Finland. Finn Church Aid manages the Women’s Bank funds, carries out fundraising, and supports the volunteer network. In addition, all Women’s Bank projects are executed by Finn Church Aid and their local partners. The selection of project regions and methods of support is done jointly by Finn Church Aid and Women’s Bank.

Women’s Bank’s work includes all people regardless of their religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, and political stance.

How does my donation help?

With your support, women can gain an occupation, start businesses and network. In addition, you will be supporting women in adapting to climate change and acting against gender-based violence, for example.

By supporting Women’s Bank, you help us build a more equitable and sustainable world.

Frequently asked questions >>

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