Everyone can change the world – Liisa Kapanen

Liisa Kapanen, age 66, Helsinki
“I had decided to get involved in volunteer work as soon as I retired. I joined Women’s Bank in January 2013. I started at the national fundraising group and I’m still there, now acting as second organiser and member of the board. I have also been a local group leader in the Helsinki area.
I have had the opportunity to go to school, study, work and be an equal member of my family and society. I want my work to help women in developing countries realise their dreams.
The best thing about being a volunteer is being able to use your own skills, experience and creativity and learn new things. I’ve found many new friends among the other volunteers. It is fascinating to read stories of the women in project countries and how vocational education sponsored by Women’s Bank has enabled them to reach equal standing in their communities and allowed them to put their children to school.
As a volunteer, everyone is free to donate their time and expertise to the extent they choose. The joy of working and the benefits are doubled – you get a positive feeling, and women in the developing world get a better future.”
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Text: Satu Salmelin-Tikkala