
Women’s Bank operates in Cambodia primarily by financing village banks.
Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia. Around 80 percent of the population lives from agriculture. The country’s development is hindered by vast income gap between the countryside and towns, poor educational system and corruption. The country is particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, i.e. floods, storms and heavy rain.
Cambodia has been one of Women’s Bank’s programme countries since 2007. We strengthen the position of women and girls as regards their social and economic equality.
8,127 women benefitted from our work
Cambodia is one of the countries most severely affected by climate change globally. In poor rural regions where people rely on agriculture for their livelihoods one flood or drought can destroy everything.
We support women’s access to livelihoods, particularly through saving and loan groups and cooperatives. We train women in the use of climate-resistant farming techniques and crop varieties. We also offer vocational education and training to young people
Results 2022:
- 5,114 members in 17 cooperatives
- 71 young women enrolled in vocational education.
- 255 companies that generated income for 929 women