Women’s Bank Walk Dubrovnik 2024 Kävele Naiselle Ammatti

Women’s Bank Walk – Kävele Naiselle Ammatti – 10 year celebration  – 10-vuotis juhlatapahtuma Stradun, Old Town, Dubrovnik – Stradun, Vanha kaupunki, Dubrovnik Sunday, 1st September 2024 Time: 18:00 – Sunnuntai 1.9.2024 klo 18:00 Join us for the annual Women’s Bank Walk on Sunday, 1st September 2024, at 18:00, in the heart of Dubrovnik’s Old Town! […]

Karaoke Night, Women’s Bank Dubrovnik

Join us for a night of music and fun at our Karaoke event! Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024Time: 20:00Location: Maison Cafe, Srebreno We’re thrilled to collaborate with Dubrovnik community members Eileen & Gabriel Cardona to bring you this exciting event! They’ve generously teamed up with us to host a fantastic evening of Karaoke in support […]

Women’s Bank Coffee and Cake, Dubrovnik

DATE: Friday 8 March 2024 TIME: 14:30 LOCATION: Hotel Adria, Radnicka ulica 46, 20000 Dubrovnik RSVP: By Monday 4 March to dubrovnik@naistenpankki.fi Tea, coffee, cake and other refreshments will be provided. This is a sponsored event thanks to our kind and generous cooperation partners. Tickets are complimentary, and space is limited. In the event you […]

Women’s Bank Fashion, Food & Music Dubrovnik

We arrange two amazing nights at Hotel Lapad 16th and 17th of May at 7 PM both nights. This year we arrange two nights with little modification about food, music and fashion. You are warmly welcome also to both nights. Järjestämme tänä vuonna kaksi tilaisuutta Hotel Lapadissa 16.5. ja 17.5.2023 klo 19. Tänä vuonna on kaksi […]

Read for Profession Lue Naiselle Ammatti 2023 Dubrovnik

Our tour writer at Read for Profession tour this year is Vaula Norrena. Vaula’s first book Littana – Kielletyn lapsen tarina (”Flatty – the story of a forbidden child”) is coming out in September 2023, published in Finnish by Teos Kustantamo. Of course she has been writing all her life, it is the usual story […]

Women’s Bank Walk Dubrovnik Kävele Naiselle Ammatti 2023

Tapaamme Stradunilla ja kävelemme yhdessä tuttuun tapaan Stradunin päästä päähän. Ennen kävelyä ohjelmaa koko perheelle. Tilaisuudet avaavat Naisten Pankin perustajajäsen Raija Kemiläinen yhdessä Suomen Dubrovnikin kunniakonsulin Hrvoje Brboran sekä Dubrovnikin kaupungin edustajan kanssa. Saamme nauttia tilaisuudessa Mario Sambrailon musiikista. This year Women’s Bank Walk at 3rd September 2023 18.00 Old Town in front of Church […]

Women’s day Coffee and Cake

At 8th of March is international Women’s Day. This year we celebrate it with Coffee and Cake at Restaurant/Cafe Gradska Kavana Arsenal at 19.00. Women’s Bank Dubrovnik will inform us coming events at 2023 and we enjoy coffee/tee/drinks with cakes or salty bites. Everybody can enjoy what they like and pay for it by themselves. Please […]

Women’s Bank Fashion, Food & Music Dubrovnik

We arrange two amazing nights at Hotel Lapad 16th and 17th of May at 7 PM both nights. Last year the night was so popular that some of you didn’t get tickets. So this year we arrange two nights with little modification about food, music and fashion. You are warmly welcome also to both nights. […]

Women’s Bank Fashion, Food & Music Dubrovnik

We arrange two amazing nights at Hotel Lapad 16th and 17th of May at 7 PM both nights. Last year the night was so popular that some of you didn’t get tickets. So this year we arrange two nights with little modification about food, music and fashion. You are warmly welcome also to both nights. […]

Read for Profession Dubrovnik Lue Naiselle Ammatti

Emmi Itäranta (b. 1976) is a Finnish author who writes fiction in Finnish and English. Her novels have been characterised as lyrical dystopias with strong ecological undercurrents. Itäranta’s award-winning debut novel Memory of Water (2014) has been translated into more than 20 languages and a film adaptation, The Guardian of Water, came just out. At […]